Sunday, December 03, 2006

To my fans...

Dear Fans

I would like to apologize for the recent lack of posts, it has finally hit me that I have nothing of interest to post about. I am also sorry to inform you that you are in fact a minority, there are probably only 2, maybe 3 of you who come to this blog everyday, searching eagerly for something new from the mouth of the Clown. This post is for the 3 or so of you, I wish I had something interesting to post about, but sadly I am stuck here on my brothers computer scratching my head saying "what have I done recently?, what have I thought recently?". I guess you'll all (how ever few of you there are) will simply have to wait till inspiration strikes, but until that day... You'll probably see more lame posts like this.

Thought of the day: Yesterday I managed to breed... a bottle of deodorant with a tulip, don't ask me how I did it... Just... Just know that I did..........


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it's time to post random photos.

Class Clown said...

I don't have any good pictures... at all, and I really dont like posting ones of me.

Anonymous said...

Well, you can be assured that "Loxy" is ONE of those 3 readers..heh

Blog God said...

lol, Loxy's a blogaholic, she needs to go to Blogaholic's-Anonymous meetings. She'd fit right in because she's a blogaholic and she's always so anonymous which is why she goes by the alias of "Loxyfady".

As for you, if you breed deodorant-tulips get one to me, I want one!!!

Class Clown said...

I gave it to a sweaty girl

