Thursday, February 01, 2007

Junkies (Part 2)

Well last night at 11:30 and 118 hours I finally beat "it" (yes that is 118 not 18). It had a good ending, a lot better then some of those games out there, the kind of ending that makes you sad that its over. Althought, Even though I beat the game I still have a lot left to do in it though so don't expect me to stop any time soon
Note: this is why these post are called "junkies" cuz their about junkies like me, but not just any Junkie, a junkie that's proud to be a junkie

P.S. It didn't end at all like you said it would Amy, I wasn't right either, but I was Probably closer (mostly because forgot half of what you said)

Thought of the Day: If an alien tells you he's from Mars and he has had a tough life you should Pobably believe him, it gets really cold on mars.


Amy said...

you know when I was telling you that long story about how I thought it was going to end, that was a joke.

Class Clown said...

I know, I was talking about what you were serious about.

Anonymous said...

Cool ben now I would like to see the documentry Jamie made of the 118 hourse you spent plaing it!


Class Clown said...

he stopped that I think unless he has gotten better at hiding the camera, but I will probally post what he did make eventually.

