..... Is it wrong to think things about people that don't exsist? or people you've never met or talked to. Is it bad that when people ask me if I day dream I look at them with an evil smile and say "you have no idea" followed up with a "to be continued sign" that I happen to have with me at all times. Is it wrong that I am obsessed with not one but 2! Different people that I DON'T KNOW!... Don't answer that.... Is it wrong that 87% of above mentioned daydreams revolve around one of those 2 people (the other 13% usually has something to do with spandex and strange bites from various radioactive insects) Is it bad that I got 5 points in 4 rounds of boggle? Is it bad that my attention-span is so short I strayed from topic not but 2 seconds ago. Is it bad that my writing skills are ten times better then my "speaking to people who I think are better then me in some way, which in retrospect, is pretty much everyone" skills. On that note if you'd like to join the club of people who I feel are better then me, don't bother, your probably already in it. Also, If you wondering why the subject seems to be straying then I believe you need to rethink your standards when it comes to straying.... and love making. You see, I'm not straying at all, In fact there are many diffrent reasons I am not straying, first off being, this whole part about me explaining the explaining of the straying and the original straying to clear up about the fact that a wasn't straying (you might need to read that 3 or 4 times) is just a break from the main subject which I will get back to when I’m done "enlightening" you. Secondly, What I was really doing I like to call "Swaying" from the topic, swaying being a gentler, less aggressive approach to departing from the original subject.... "approach" to "departing", humm something to think about there. Anyway as I was saying, in a sense swaying is the same as straying except instead of only taking 2 minutes to go from the subject of, say, disco dancing to radiant radioactive monkeys it takes 20 (depending on how stupid you or the person reading this to you is). Ok, (clears through with the use of the brilliant onomatopoeia “eherm”) now that I'm done "enlightening" you, I can return to the original subject, which, I believe had something to do with wondering if “it” is wrong?.... or is it? (eyebrow raised in a way that clearly shows I'm trying to hard to look like I'm trying to hard)..... Anyway, any other day I probably would go back to that topic and talk about all that “it” (say it really fast, go on, do it) but its 3:30 in the morning and I still need to proof read and spell check this. Odds are the whole confession part about what I really did last summer will probably be cut, but only because I really don't have the time to spend 3 to 5 years in jail. However, before we go I would like to take a minute to review this post, Best post ever? not hardly, most informative post, believe it or not, most likely. Think about it long and hard.............
......... that’s what she said........
Thought of the Day: If I was god I would of put candy in peoples brains, that way when scientists first opened it up they would be pleasantly surprised, until of course realized what the heck they just ate.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Thinking Aloud
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
2:35 AM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
What do you get when you combine the epic awesomeness of Troy and the Visual awesomeness of Sin City? One of the coolest movies ever!
Thought of the Day: from the previous post I noticed that when I say someone's name they usually leave a comment....... Jesus
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
5:34 PM
Friday, March 02, 2007
M.A.T.C.H. Without the Match
Well, after a year of waiting they finally had another M.A.T.C.H. Meeting (yeah its another acronym). This post, as the name and opening line implies, is about said meeting. First I'll start with a brief description of my team (or at least who I can remember). First there was Jesse Bruni, yeah my brother, "why do you name him first?" you may ask, well, its because he was closest to the door. Next there was Sam, now this was a strange fellow, not in a bad way of course, more of just an extremely different way. I have never met another man who loved light, girlish colors such as Pink and Baby blue so much. Without knowing and simply reading this description you would probably think he was gay, right? well actually sadly enough I think he was the only one in our cabin who had a girl friend. Next there was Andre... who liked to be naked... sometimes with the door open, but other then that he was pretty normal. He actually tried to hook me up with someone. Now I won't go into details, but lets just say the plan failed. Next, I believe, was another Sam, I don't really know anything about this Sam so I will end it by stating that he, in fact, said that he hates Mosquitoes, not skaters , as most of the people in out class heard. Then theres Mikey, a very quiet... small person whom I only slightly know. (note*) these descriptions are getting to long so I'm going to sum up the rest with one liners. Frances, strange would be the nicest thing to say. Ben (Borst, not me) A good artist with a weird voice. David, very ghettoish. Jesse (osborne) extremely quiet but really good at guitar. Dre, I don't know. Franky, also very ghettoish. John Paul, a Ghetto, Wigger, Cowboy, but an ok guy. Johnny, a very strange, strange boy. Jesse (Goode) I don't really know anything about him either. And last, me you all should know me so I'm not going to explain myself.
(note*) I am obligated to say the name Karen at least once in this post.
Anyway, now that thats all out of the way, I can explain what actually happened. We all arrived on day one, and nothing much happened, so I will skip that. the next day we did the routine Breakfast, inspiration, class, and all that good stuff. We played basketball which wasn't as bad as I though it would be when I saw some "cool" people (notice the parentheses around the word cool) playing as bad as me. Then we all went to go swimming which I didn't do partly because I was still wearing my underwear, but mostly because the water was cold enough to shrink even the manlyest man's manhood, to almost non existence. Later that night we had a star gazing night, if you can really call it that, it was more of a "sing a long make out party". Anyhow, it was ok. The next day was pretty much the same. I was a bit annoyed when we were made to play basketball again, but oh well. Also that night rather then laying under the stars watching jets make out under covers we had a valentines day dance, to which you were suppose to wear red and black, which was kinda funny when Sam (Pink Sam) came in wearing white and baby blue looking like a hardcore disco fan. The dancing was ok except for the fact that it was almost all head banging music. Anyway since thats pretty much all that happened, and, I'm sick of writing, I'll stop there, so for now good bye.
Thought of the Day: Lately I've really been noticing just how white toilet paper is.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
1:29 PM