Sunday, April 01, 2007

The End of the Clown

I quit...

-Signed Benjamin B. Bruni (so you know its really me... yes I know my initials are BBB, I can't help it)

Thought of the Day: Jesus, no matter how much you pray, no matter how many keys you claim WON'T help you beat a video game.


Anonymous said...

thats not true!! the keys always work,
but maybe the Lord doesn't want you to win a video game , for reasons like "overly excessive playing" (playing the video game that is)so that if u never win then maybe u'd stop playing so much,therefore fulfilling the Lords plan.. haha.....and dont quit that would be no fun!!
(P.S i don't actually knows if he plays to much)

Anonymous said...

Quit!?!! WHYYY!?

Oh wait...this is an April Fools joke isn't it?

Amy said...

yeah I agree with "the starry man" that the keys and prayer always work. You have no idea how many times I've prayed( just for the purpose of shutting you up, because we all know that in a thirty foot long trailer there's nowhere to get away from the screaming) that you would beat the game, and it always worked.
Anyway......nice April fools joke.

Living My Fairytale said...

Haha Amy, that's cute. Ben, I think I read that somewhere in a GN about the Lord and games (board games, sports, or video games) something about how he usually doesn't pick sides...or something like that. I don't remember, don't quote me on it. Maybe he was rooting for the PS2, hehe.

Class Clown said...

Actually either someone prayed for me or I'm just that kick ass, I beat it this morning.

Oh and thanks loxy for revealing a perfectly good April fools joke. do you know how long it took me to think of this one... about 7 minutes, and thats a long time if you think about it

Anonymous said...

LOL whoops.

You should go ahead and ask David about his "Keys" experiment.

Class Clown said...

Lol I was there I don't need to ask him :D

