Sunday, June 17, 2007


To anyone who read the post entitled “Me Uncensored, read at risk”, To anyone I may have offended, to anyone who read the comment I put at the end of it, I’m sorry. I honestly don't have anything else to say other then that. To my friends who think I hate them, I don't, I wasn't even going to put that I dislike Teens on there at all to begin with. It was just going to be a stupid foolish post about things I like. At first I was going to name a bunch of bogus, completely absurd reasons why I don’t like Teens, but then I started thinking of everything and I just got angry. I really don't hate Teens, in fact it would be hard for me to actually find anyone I do hate. And to anyone who read the last comment, it was out of line, and I shouldn't of blamed everything on my brother, even if he did make me feel that way for a long time, I should of tried to forgive and forget. Anyway...... I guess all I can say is, Sorry, I didn't mean it, I was only angry. I’m gonna shut down for a while to think, (and by that I mean not blogging and not chatting) just for a while tho, I guess you’ll know when I’m done, because..... I’ll be blogging..... and chatting.


Jamie said...

What the hell are you talking about? Did I miss something?

Blog God said...

There was a long post, with some comments he wrote that were rather...(ahem) insulting.
He deleted the post and wrote this one.

Xact Claims Services said...

so sweet.

BarbarianDave said...

Why pull your punches?

Class Clown said...

because i hit so hard i feel kinda bad.

