Thursday, July 26, 2007


Well everyone, as you probably have noticed by now I changed some things around, the reason for that is simple... ITS MY 100TH POST!!! yay....... Ahem... Anyway, I thought in light of the event I would change some things around such as adding new colors, a CUSTOM header and a COMPLETELY MADE BY ME squigly... right there... behind what you are reading. Now I'm sure many of you have some questions about why I changed certain things, and I will answer them the best I can by making what we call "Q&A".

Q. Why the gay colors?

A. Manly colors are overate, plus they were taken.

Q. Why the painfully obvious blog description "this color is orange"

A. Cuz its painfully funny... I thought...

Q. What’s the point of the poll?

A. Just Answer it

Q. Did you do all the pictures yourself?

A. Yes I did

Q. They look so good

A. Thank you

Q. Are you an artist?

A. Well, heh I don't know about that

Q. pftt, nonsense, its magnificent. Ya know, it kinda reminds me of a young Da Vinci

A. Really? Da Vinci?

Q. Oh yes. And did you think of that poll.... huh... com’on, you did didn’t you.

A. ....... well

Q. haha your so funny

A. thank you

.......... Anyway......... yeah....... that should answer all your questions......................... 100TH POST! WOOO.

(for the first time in Thought of the Day history this one was NOT thought by me, but by someone far wiser)
Thought of the Day: Purple Hippo's... Equal... Life -Mindy

Like I said... Far...... Far wiser

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