its funny to think that it was almost one year ago I had to leave my favorite cat in Tennessee. When we decided to move into a trailer we were faced with a difficult decision, either leave bella there, or take her away form the great outdoors she had come to know and love. With Bella being my best non human friend you can imagine that I didn’t want to leave her behind, because I knew that if I were her I would give up the hunting and the frolicking outside and all of that to be with my loving owners, but my family thought different and in the end I was outvoted. I still miss Bella and all the fun we had, even though she was never very much of an affectionate cat you could tell if she liked you, although rare in occurrence she would sometimes jump up on to my lap when I was watching TV or playing a game and just fall asleep, and I still cant believe it has been almost a year.
Here’s to you Bella, the best cat anyone could ever have.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Missing my Kitty
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
7:36 PM
Monday, January 30, 2006
What's the Flight Plan?
Well as I may have said it is quite boring here, BUT all that doesn’t come without its perks. Yesterday I took my first plane ride, well not so much a plane more of a "sky car". what it is a dune buggy type thing with a propeller blade in the back and a parachute on the top, it was quite fun even though it was a little short (about 20 minutes) but hey I got to wear this cool helmet, I look like a genuine fighter pilot. Well they say that pictures speak a thousand words so rather then saying 6000 words ill just show you these pics.
Here’s a picture of the shadow of the thing im in, I know it looks like a frog in a parachute.
If you just glance at this picture I look like one of fighter pilots with the big visor and the mask thingy and all.
What it looked like from my point of view.
Just another landscape picture.
And here is a photo of the devise its self, and if you can zoom in at all you will notice that it is not me in it but Amy.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
6:17 PM
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Beethoven, Mozart, Bruni.
The Piano, a instrument played by geniuses, an instrument that is extremely hard to think of complements for, until recently I had no idea what a complex instrument it was until I experienced it beneath my fingers, the power you feel being able to move an entire auditorium to tears, to create a masterpiece loved by millions, to have your name go down in history simply by moving your fingers. You can understand why anyone would be drawn to this instrument, its sheer power, the sensation you feel as you complete the song you have been practicing 2 weeks perfectly, the ability to drop jaws by hitting buttons, and my personal favorite, the power to show off to everyone you know by playing a complicated song and moving your fingers quicker then necessary to create the illusion that you are doing more then you really are. Even though I have only had this music creating god for about a month I can already see its power, its potential to shape an ordinary human being into something amazing. The piano, a spring board to greatness, an elevator to immortality, the way to turn a deaf man into idol. Some people may not appreciate the piano people who primarily listen to pop, punk, techno, rock and all that stuff (not that I’m dissing rock in fact it is still one of my favorite forums of music) but im sure if they really sat down and listened and looked ant the pure genius placed behind the instrument they would see that it isn’t just a bunch in dots on lines or white things next to black things, but is in fact more of an art form something that requires love more then talent, and that to truly play the piano to its full potential is to be seated among gods, Beethoven, Mozart. and maybe some day, Bruni.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
11:13 PM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
The Wizzard of AZ.
Well im here in Arizona and I am happy to say I won't be for much longer. Not much to do for someone under the age of 60 in a gigantic Flea market filled with retired old people who have nothing better to do but sit in a chair all day and wonder why there neighbors 14 year old never comes out. But I think you will agree with my reasoning for locking my self in my home (if u can call a trailer home) when you see whats out here, and sense my picture thingy isn’t working ill have to describe it. Ok imagine your self in your self in a white void, then add brown, tumble weeds, cactuses, and blue for the sky and your there. Not much I know but that’s how it is here.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
9:04 PM
Monday, January 23, 2006
Ok I decided to make a Blog so that my friends and family can keep up with what im doing, not that im going at a very fast pace... at all, but still, im bored and there is nothing good on TV. Even though I doubt anyone will even know about this blog ill give it a shot. SO........ this is hard, what are you supposed to talk about on your first post? Maybe ill get some inspriation in a moment but its hard to get anything but a sunburn in this big nowhere we call Arizona so ill make this post short and say to all my future readers (if any) Welcome to my mind, enjoy your stay.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
9:38 PM