Celebrating 15 years of not celebrating.
Thought of the Day: The way I describe Tim Allen is like an alarm clock, Loud, annoying and obnoxious
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Valintines Day
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
7:39 PM
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
I didn't want to do it, but IT MADE ME! I said no, I don't want to do this completely OPTIONAL TRANSITION!! Complete BULL %*&# TRANSITION... I'm sorry, I would like to blame it on some disease where I spue out angry words, but no, I am just that pissed. You see, a few days ago I got onto blogger, as I do every time I get the urge to reveal a little more about the mystery of me to my fans. I did as I always do, clicking on the "sign in with old blogger" button and entering my name and password. Only this time, once I did that it redirected me to a page where I could sign up for a google account. Now I, not being that big on change, decided I would do it later so I found the button that said "use old blogger" and clicked it. Not to much surprise it took me back to the name and password page which I did again without thinkingtwice, but once again it took me to the same page. I repeated this at least 10 times, before I finally gave up and began to wonder angrily, "why the hell people would make an optional switch to google mandatory to make post. A mandatory optional switch? That doesn't even make sense". After trying everything I could think of make it not go to that pagem, including waiting till the next day, I finally gave in and decided to get a Google account, BIG MISTAKE. Ever since I switched my password will only work for making posts and will rarely IF EVER work for comments which is COMPLETELY PISSING THE HECK OUT OF ME. I know what my password is, and I know its right because when I go to make a post it works perfectly. No I know what the problem is, I know who the real enemy is.... Its those..... (Ill hold my tongue the best I can) JERK OFFS at the Blogger company who decided that "everyone needs a Google account, but wait! Lets make them think that they don't! Lets make them THINK its optional so we can fool to the extent of VIOLENT ANNOYANCE, STUPID, IGNORANT FOOLS like Benjamin.... B.... Bruni." Well Mr. Google..... Chairman... Person... I'll make a promise to you... I'll find you.... And when I do, you better PRAY! Your getting top dollar out of those bodyguards.
P.S. Mental Breakdowns aren't pretty
Thought of the Day: In my happy place fire alarms wouldn't beep if there was a fire, they would beep if Christian Bale got to close. The last thing I need is BATMAN pointing out my mistakes.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
5:33 PM
Friday, February 09, 2007
It has come to my attention that it has come to my brothers' attention that they think I have O.C.D. (obsessive compulsive disorder) and I am here to prove why that is completely false.
You see, the reason I know my brother Jamie is lying, is because if you have ever lived with him for over a week, you would know that he is completely and entirely full of S#!%..... all the time. You see, the easiest way to describe him would be like a vampire who does not feed off blood, but rather the anger he instills in you, and the belief in his mischievous falsehoods cleverly shrouded in blanket candy. However, there are ways known ONLY to those who already know, to avoid being preyed upon. The first tell tale sign of his first form of feeding is the laughter, he will begin to laugh in a maniacal way, this you see is simply a way to further your anger, but at this sign you MUST immediately stop what you are doing and enter a state of peace. The lies however are a little harder to avoid. The only way out is to call his bluff with a "yeah right" or "Bull crap" he will then laugh in a way much different then the laugh he uses to anger you, and I do not need to tell you what it sounds like because it will be so different that you will immediately know. The only danger with calling his bluffs are the fact that he may not be lying, in which case you will simply feel a bit stupid.
Anyhow, I have gotten a bit sidetracked, now that you know why Jamie, brother A, is lying about the O.C.D. thing, I should tell you why David, Brother B, is lying.
It took me a little while to figure out because David is not usually the type to make up a lie just to lie. In fact he and Jamie are very different in the way they "feed". You see, David, feeds off food... people food. Anyway, last night on the way home from climbing I finally figured it out. I will tell you ONLY what I remember from the conversation, (I don't want to put words in anyones mouthes), and you can try to figure it out as well.
David: Blah Blah Blah Backpack?
Ben: you mean the one like your shoes
My shoes?
You didn't notice? its the same color and design as your shoes
Really? ha I didn't notice
I thought you got them like that
What, like as a pair?
No someone gave it to me
I thought you bought them both to match
No, I would never buy anything that matches.
I just hate it, like when people were red pants and red shirts
Well yeah not matching like that
Even the same design, I wont wear something like Van's pants and Van's shoes, or even things that look similar, like if I'm wearing a shirt that is to close to looking like my pants I'll change it.
Some matching things look cool
ha, yeah well... what about football players they wear matching shirts and pants and they have the same symbol on the helmets as their shirts
Well would you go around wearing a helmet?
That is COMPLETELY... NOT the point.
Well do you see me playing football?
This is when it hit me, that if you combine what he just said with the way his room looks, the way he makes his sandwiches and just the way he lives in general that you would find that he is, in fact, afraid of organization, meaning that to him, someone that who is even slightly organized would seem like an O.C.D case.
So there you have it, two fool proof reasons why they are wrong that I can sum up right here.
Jamie is only trying to feed of the annoyance of being called an O.C.D case, and David is afraid organization and the titles that come with it. So take a good look people, at the faces of the enemy. Their evil pact is sickening.
Thought of the day: Leamers would make good house pets if they wern't so damn Evil
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
5:44 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
It came to my attention that there are only 3 things in this world I am afraid of
One....... Garbage disposals.
Two....... Vacuum cleaners
And Three...... Shower curtains, but only when I'm on the outside........ And their closed.
Thought of the Day: I'm sorry Mike, I just cant say it. Your girlfriends gas doesn't turn me on. I don't even think she has gas, and even if she did... It still wouldn't do it for me.
Oh and by the way, your a sick pervert for even telling me to consider it, FREAK.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
7:30 PM
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Junkies (Part 2)
Well last night at 11:30 and 118 hours I finally beat "it" (yes that is 118 not 18). It had a good ending, a lot better then some of those games out there, the kind of ending that makes you sad that its over. Althought, Even though I beat the game I still have a lot left to do in it though so don't expect me to stop any time soon
Note: this is why these post are called "junkies" cuz their about junkies like me, but not just any Junkie, a junkie that's proud to be a junkie
P.S. It didn't end at all like you said it would Amy, I wasn't right either, but I was Probably closer (mostly because forgot half of what you said)
Thought of the Day: If an alien tells you he's from Mars and he has had a tough life you should Pobably believe him, it gets really cold on mars.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
11:14 PM