I was up late last night browsing the internet when I came across this.
"In 1978, Spider-Man made his first appearance on Japanese television in Supaida-man (in English, "Spider-Man") a show done in the Tokusatsu style. Tokusatsu, which refers to Japanese live action shows using special effects, is probably best known in the United States in the form of Power Rangers television series. After acquiring the license to the Spiderman character Toei decided to spin the character into a direction they believed more suited for their audience. To that end, the story of Spider-Man in the Japanese story goes as follows:
Motor-cross champion Yamashiro Takuya finds his dying father next to a crashed spacecraft from the planet Spider, and discovers Garia -- the lone survivor of Spider who gives Yamashiro his bracelet. The bracelet gives Yamashiro his web slinging powers, as well as the ability to summon a giant robot (formed from his flying car and the aforementioned alien ship) named Leopardon. He'd need these powers and friends to face the not-so-subtly named Professor Monster and his Iron Cross Army." -Ign
Wow..... Glad I wasn't around for that.
(P.S. for all the Japanese folks reading this I have nothing against your race, in fact Sonic and Final Fantasy are some of my favorite games, I just think they are funny, and couldn’t resist posting this)
Thought of the Day: Everyone thinks I'm crazy for avoiding mirrors, but I'm sure they would too if they saw the same weirdo I did. I don't know who that guy is, but I don’t like him much.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Silly Japanese
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
2:09 PM
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Well everyone, as you probably have noticed by now I changed some things around, the reason for that is simple... ITS MY 100TH POST!!! yay....... Ahem... Anyway, I thought in light of the event I would change some things around such as adding new colors, a CUSTOM header and a COMPLETELY MADE BY ME squigly... right there... behind what you are reading. Now I'm sure many of you have some questions about why I changed certain things, and I will answer them the best I can by making what we call "Q&A".
Q. Why the gay colors?
A. Manly colors are overate, plus they were taken.
Q. Why the painfully obvious blog description "this color is orange"
A. Cuz its painfully funny... I thought...
Q. What’s the point of the poll?
A. Just Answer it
Q. Did you do all the pictures yourself?
A. Yes I did
Q. They look so good
A. Thank you
Q. Are you an artist?
A. Well, heh I don't know about that
Q. pftt, nonsense, its magnificent. Ya know, it kinda reminds me of a young Da Vinci
A. Really? Da Vinci?
Q. Oh yes. And did you think of that poll.... huh... com’on, you did didn’t you.
A. ....... well
Q. haha your so funny
A. thank you
.......... Anyway......... yeah....... that should answer all your questions......................... 100TH POST! WOOO.
(for the first time in Thought of the Day history this one was NOT thought by me, but by someone far wiser)
Thought of the Day: Purple Hippo's... Equal... Life -Mindy
Like I said... Far...... Far wiser
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
7:41 PM
Monday, July 16, 2007
The Other Day
It was just a few days ago. I was walking along holding my head low, trying to be as attractively unattractive as possible when I noticed a sticker in the shape of united states on the side of a fellow camper. Now these stickers are very common in the RVing world, and, what they are meant for is to show other campers what states that RV has been in. All you do is simply put a colored sticker on the states you've been in. I took a quick glance at their sticker and noticed, to my surprise, that they didn't have a sticker on the great state of Texas. I thought about this for a moment, thinking "If they don't have a sticker on Texas then........ WHERE THE HELL AM I!!!". I swear I thought about this for a good 5 seconds before I realized that I was in the, not so "Great" but still good... (we'll call it, the "Mighty") state of Michigan. What’s all that mean you say? I'll tell you. It means I'M GOING INSANE......... I think.
Thought of the Day: I think that if everyone walked around naked midgets would enjoy life a lot more.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
11:46 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
When I die, I hope I die of pneumonia. That way, my dad will finally realize that it's WAY TO COLD IN HERE!!!!
Thought of the Day: It takes a very secure man to drive a UPS truck.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
12:56 PM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
I Have Stalkers?!?!
Thats right people, I recently, and by recently I mean just yesterday, found out that I, thats right me, plain old, nothing really special Ben Bruni, has STALKERS! I'll elaborate. You see, every day I go out and take a walk for a few hours and listen to some music (I have my reasons for doing this) but I never once imagined that I was being watched while I was doing things. Needless to say it came as kind of a shock to me when I found out. Anyway, I was walking around when a golf cart with a couple of girls sitting on the back seat drove past me. Just as they drove past one of them, with a big creepy grin, waved in my direction. Now this has happened before and usually I wave back, however, almost every time I DO wave back I usually look behind me to see some other person wave at them, and then I realize that they weren't waving at me at all, and then I just feel stupid. So this time rather then waving back, I looked back only to find that the road was completely empty. When I looked back at the golf cart the girl who had initially waved was now pointing and nodding her head. They then drove off and I continued walking, and thought nothing of it after that. Only a few minutes later in a different area of the camp ground I ran into the same golf cart, and no sooner did the girl see me, did she blatantly ask "whats your name?" I replied with, what else "Ben." She then as any normal person would do said a simple "Well hi, Ben" and I, as any UNnormal person would, replied with a very awkward "Hiiii". As I walked away feeling very awkward and a little embarrassed at my rather plain response I overheard her say to her friend on the golf cart "what am I suppose to say to him?". As you can well imagine, I felt a little weird as I continued my walk and... well... I won't lie, I felt a bit more self confident too, Believe it or not. Anyway as I continued my walk I, once more, to my delight and dismay ran into the same girl, this time on a bike. As she rode by she shouted "come swimming with us". I, being a very shy person, and being not so good at thinking of things to say in a hurry, said the first thing that came to mind "I can't... I have to be back... soon" which of course was a complete lie. As she rode away towards the lake she shouted "you're no fun". I then walked into my trailer and no sooner had I sat down did the words take effect "No fun? NO FUN?" I thought to myself, "I'll prove I am fun". I quickly grabbed my bathing suit and began my manly stride all the way the the lake. As soon as I reached the lake I heard a voice shout out my name as if it was being shouted by someone who had known me my whole life... or, someone who was waiting for me, and knew that even though I said I wasn't coming, I really was. As we swam in the semi freezing lake we talked about random pointless things that teenagers talk about such as music, clothes, Etc. Etc. Until eventually we came to the subject of why she initially waved in the first place, since, lets be honest, I'm not the most popular guy around, but am the most curious. She told me that her and her sister, since I guess as long as they had been there had been watching me while I take my walks and had been making up Where's Waldo type games about me... yeah... weird. Although I was not really used to being the object of peoples interest I was use to being the object of peoples amusement, so the awkwardness of having people watching me in strange ways faded sooner then I thought it would. After about an hour we got out of the lake and went to go rinse off in the showers, and, the funny thing about the showers here are, the mens and womens sides aren't separated by much, so you can hear everything going on, on the side of the opposite sex. Out of the many hundreds of men who have probably used this technique to find out if a girl liked them or not, What I heard was, "he has a really good taste in music and likes all the stuff I like, and he's never had a girlfriend because his parents move around to much". Now I'm sure many other things were said, but that was all I heard at any rate, and whither it was said in good or bad context, its nice to know people DO talk about me while I'm not (or at least they think I'm not) listening. After all that I was going to go back the my trailer, watch a movie and call it a day, until she asked me if I wanted to watch the fire works with her. I now had a choice to make, I could go watch the fireworks with this semi stalker whom I was beginning to think had a crush on me, or I could go watch Ghost Rider with my parents... it was really a no brainier if you think about it. So I changed out of my bathing suit and headed back to the lake where they were going to be setting off the fireworks. As we sat there she started asking me weirder and weirder questions such as, what type of girls do you like, when was your first kiss, and what is your ideal romantic situation. Naturally I couldn't answer all of them (I'll leave you to guess which), but it got even weirder when she told me HER most ideal romantic situation, and well, just listen. "My most ideal romantic situation would probably be something like sitting under a blanket with someone I liked, near a beach or a lake watching fireworks, or something like that". About 2 seconds after she said that I started looking around, and what I saw was none other then, a lake, fireworks, and somehow (which I will leave to your imagination) I ended up sitting under her blanket. I immediately began to wonder if I had just stumbled upon her most romantic situation without even trying, or if she was trying to hint at something. I sat there thinking about it for a few minutes unknowingly and unintentionally tuning out almost all of what she was saying. I thought about why I was all of a sudden the object of so much attention amongst women (there were a couple other minor instances across the campground such as double taking and staring), and then it dawned on me, IT'S GOT TO BE THE HAT. Let me explain, I never got any attention until recently except for one girl, and she just so happened to weigh 160 pounds and was a foulmouthed smoker, who was pretty much offensive to all 5 senses. It was only recently that everyone seemed to like the way I looked, and I thought about what have I done recently, what did I do to change my appearance, I BOUGHT A HAT. A hat that not only compliments my ears, but covers my unkept orange hair and casts a mysterious silhouette across my barren, often invisible brows. And to top it all off, it has TWO four leaf clovers on it. I realize now that this must be my lucky hat, and that I shall never take it off if I can help it in the presence of other people. So all this post is simply to say that, I have a cool hat, stalkers are people too, and I am worse at flirting then I was at saying the letter "R" when I was 6 years old. But all in all, Michigan is a pretty cool place, so much better then...................ARIZONA!!!
Thought of the Day: The real crappy things about Transformers that the dealers don't tell you is, AC is NOT standard.... pieces of crap I tell you.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
8:32 AM
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Lil' Class Clown
It has become apparent to me recently that there is no originality left in this world, and, if for some reason you don't believe me, just check this out. *Ahem*
Lil' Boosie
Lil' Bow Wow
Lil' Flip
Lil' Jon & The Fast Side Boyz
Lil' Kim
Lil' Mama
Lil' Mo
Lil' O
Lil' Rob
Lil' Romeo
Lil' Scrappy
Lil' Troy
Lil' Wayne
Lil' Wyte
Lil' Zane
and more... yeah.
Thought of the Day: We've all heard of the TV show called where in the world is Carmen SanDeigo. Well here my idea, who in the hell stole David Duchovny's Emotions.
Masterpiece Created by
Class Clown
at the time of
3:54 PM